Looking for apartment
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Writer sabatu Hit 10,483 Hits Date 14-11-17 11:32Content
I am looking for a 3 or 4 bedroom apartment not exceeding 1.4 million won per month rent, as close to camp humphreys as possible. Is there anyway you might be able to forward me a list of available properties that match this description?Email: sabatu@gmail.com
Thank you for your time,
I am looking for a 3 or 4 bedroom apartment not exceeding 1.4 million won per month rent, as close to camp humphreys as possible. Is there anyway you might be able to forward me a list of available properties that match this description?Email: sabatu@gmail.com
Thank you for your time,
e-mail : sabatu@gmail.com
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Comment by Toprealty
Toprealty Date
Hi Sabatu.
Thank you for visiting our website.
I will send you email.