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Wellness House

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Writer Lindsay Hit 4,080 Hits Date 15-08-12 17:39


Hi, I have looked at everything on your site and am curious if wellness house is still available? If so, what is the price and what's included? I absolutely love this house. My husband just arrived at camp humphrey's and he is an O-3. Our two kids and I will be there in a couple of weeks. Wellness has absolutely everything we are looking for. If it's not available, do you have anything that is comparable to wellness?

Thank you


e-mail : linzg13@gmail.com

List of comments

Comment by Toprealty

Toprealty Date

Hi Lindsay.
Thank you for visiting our website.
We are going to contact to you soon.

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ADDRESS : 49, Anjeong Ro, Paengseong Eup, Pyeongtaek Si, Gyeonggi Do, Korea(경기도 평택시 팽성읍 안정로 49)
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