I need Housing
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Writer Emma
Hit 12,149 Hits
Date 14-04-01 13:45
My name is Emma and my family and I will be arriving to Camp
Humphreys towards the ending of June. I have 3 children (ages 2, 3, 4) and I would like a nice spacious single house in a family
friendly, safe neighborhood. Ideally, I would like heating, cooling
and cable to be included in rent. Please feel free to contact me If
you have any questions.
Thank You in Advance!!!
My name is Emma and my family and I will be arriving to Camp
Humphreys towards the ending of June. I have 3 children (ages 2, 3, 4) and I would like a nice spacious single house in a family
friendly, safe neighborhood. Ideally, I would like heating, cooling
and cable to be included in rent. Please feel free to contact me If
you have any questions.
Thank You in Advance!!!
e-mail : emmanjoku@hotmail.com