Apartment needed around beginning of September > Q&A

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Apartment needed around beginning of September

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Writer Janiera Caigoy Hit 10,868 Hits Date 14-04-22 03:12



I wanted to know if you are the realtors that the US Army Corps of Engineers go through because I will be PCS'ing this coming September to Pyeongtaek and will need an apartment to live in for 3 years. I am looking at a 3 bedroom/2 bath, fully furnished including a washer/dryer but bed/mattress is not needed. I would like to use our own mattress and frame. So i will need everything else besides beds and mattresses. Looking at $1500/month. Can we include the utilities too like electricity, gas, water, etc.? If so, what would that cost us? I will be working at Camp Humphreys so I need an apartment close to the base.

thank you so much for your help.


e-mail : symple_azn_gurl@hotmail.com

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