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Off-post housing

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Writer Ehmie Hit 10,887 Hits Date 14-08-05 20:06


Hi! We are getting to Yongsan on Sep 1 2014 but we are going to be assigned in Pyongtaek, we would like to know if all of the houses posted on your website is still available? We liked a couple but we don't know if your website is updated.  We would like a 4-5 bedroom house or high-rise apartment over-looking the city and we would like it not too far from base. We have two small dogs also. Can you please send me an updated list of all the properties available so we can check it out and have an idea of what we like to see when we finally get there? Thank you so much.


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Comment by Toprealty

Toprealty Date

Hi Ehmie.
Thank you for visiting our website.
We will send you E mail about house information.

Q&A List
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ADDRESS : 49, Anjeong Ro, Paengseong Eup, Pyeongtaek Si, Gyeonggi Do, Korea(경기도 평택시 팽성읍 안정로 49)
TEL : +82-31-691-0700  |  CELL. +82-10-9750-5119 Danny Park

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