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Writer Roger Randleman Hit 13,680 Hits Date 12-05-03 10:46


Hi my name is SPC Randleman, Roger. My wife is going to move out to Korea in mid-July and I need to find a place for us. I’m stationed out of USAG Humphreys but currently detached up north so I don’t get a lot of time down at USAG Humphreys. This weekend I will be down there though so I was wondering if I would be able to come in and check some places out. I will be available Fri 3May2012-Mon 7May2012. Please let me know if we can get something going thank you.
Roger Randleman


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Q&A List
Num Subject Writer hits Date
152 Clarissa Walker 6 07-02
151 Mark H. 10 06-07
150 Alvis 5 06-07
149 JoeAnn Hall-Moo… 6 06-02
148 Kimberly Pope 2 05-24
147 TJ 4 05-18
146 John Short 4 05-18
145 Erin Murray 4 05-11
ARRIVIING 1AUG18 Comments1Count
Mac 4 04-26
143 Marc 3 04-15
Rental home details Comments1Count
Tiffany Smith 8 03-28
Moving to Humphreys Comments1Count
Matt Binfield 3 02-07
Single house Comments1Count
Monica 5 01-25
Moving Comments1Count
aaron 5 12-06
138 Jake Fritz 4 11-28
ADDRESS : 49, Anjeong Ro, Paengseong Eup, Pyeongtaek Si, Gyeonggi Do, Korea(경기도 평택시 팽성읍 안정로 49)
TEL : +82-31-691-0700  |  CELL. +82-10-9750-5119 Danny Park

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